God is a very useful word

Sunday Greetings, May 1, 2016…

How we use words is always half the problem.  This 4th essay from my book ‘A Better Idea of God’ continues my quest for redefinition and precision.   Please pass it on to any friends who are in the exploration with you, and suggest they subscribe to the series.  I’m dedicated to moving these precise ideas into circulation because clarity about our own nature seems essential now.

Be well, Jeff

God is a Very Useful Word

The reality of consciousness: the consciousness of reality

We must not say the word ‘God’ without first realizing that no such thing exists! But once we realize that, ‘God’ is a very useful word. More than a concept, it is a waypoint in awareness. It points us, backward or forward, to a place where the veils of ordinary perception are lifted, and the walls of consensual reality crumble. It points us to the vastness of consciousness itself, consciousness without object, residing in a mind that, at least for the time, has let go of positionality, self-reflection and separateness. It points us to the one, pure consciousness that animates us and every sentient being, yet is not the sole property of any.

This one consciousness, just because it is not a thing, is indestructible. Every living thing dies, but consciousness itself is immortal. Consciousness, just because it is not a thing, is out of time and place. Consciousness is the infinite no-where or now-here (as in Ram Dass’s book ‘Be Here Now’). Consciousness and only consciousness meets all of the standards we have set for God. Consciousness is immaterial (spirit). It is not separated (everywhere/nowhere). It is non-local and non-temporal (infinite), and as the essence of mind itself, it is all knowing.

Interestingly enough, this very description of consciousness, which also meets the standards we have set for God, is the same description of reality that has emerged in the discipline of quantum physics. So, we now we have a three-part equivalence.

Consciousness = Reality = God


About Dr. Jeffrey Eisen, Ph.D.

The creation of PsychoNoetics is the life's work of Dr. Jeffrey S. Eisen, an academically trained psychologist and psychotherapist. Dr. Eisen's discoveries brought him to a breakthrough expansion of Freud's id, ego and super-ego structural model of the psyche called the Enoe, and a revolutionary vision of the Self-Illuminated Human. Dr. Eisen is a gifted speaker, facilitator and author of hundreds of unpublished essays, four books, and a forthcoming one titled The De-Programmed Human. Playing 20 Questions With God, An Introduction to the Clearing Path of PsychoNoetics is both an engaging overview of the development of PsychoNoetics, and a comprehensive guide to applying it to your life. Oneness Perceived, A Window Into Enlightenment is a monumental body of work that attempts a unified field theory from the viewpoint of nonduality with academic precision and rigor, and stands to become a key reference within the alternative scientific community. He has appeared in an EnlightenNext webinar with Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Brian Robertson, and Andrew Cohen, recorded online interviews with EnlightenNext Magazine, and collaborated with the first director of the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) who inspired the name PsychoNoetics.
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